Our Certifications Assure Your Peace of Mind
It takes a great deal of time, cost and effort to receive and maintain certifications from our industry’s leading quality organizations. Why do we do it? To fulfill our mission of being the highest quality producer in the dietary supplement manufacturing business. These certifications are just one other reason you should put your trust in Paragon Laboratories.
The acronym “GMP” stands for Good Manufacturing Practices. GMPs are guidelines that provide a system of processes, procedures and documentation to assure that the product manufactured has the identity, strength, composition, quality and purity that appear on the product label. We have proven to each of these certifying organizations that our manufacturing operations meet or exceed all of their very strict standards.
If you would like to receive a copy of a certification, please indicate which one on our contact page.
QAI offers organic certification to processors and manufacturers who wish to label their products organic. This program applies to operations that process or handle agricultural products intended to be sold, labeled, or represented as “100 percent organic,” “organic,” or “made with organic ingredients.”
The Natural Products Association was the first organization to offer a third-party GMP certification program specific to the manufacturing of dietary supplements and dietary ingredients, while serving as the basis for the GMP Certification Program. GMP standards represent the industry’s best practices and establish the highest level of controls as required by FDA.
NSF International Certification NSF International’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Registration Program enables manufacturers to become independently registered by NSF International to meet GMP requirements for the manufacturing of dietary supplements.
To help minimize the risk that a dietary supplement or sports nutrition product contains a substance banned by one of the major sports organizations, NSF developed the Certified for Sport™ program. Under this program, products are tested to ensure that they are free of banned substances prohibited by various international sports organization.
UL’s third-party accredited certifications are designed to help customers ensure the quality, safety, and adequacy of systems in operation at a manufacturing or packaging plant, distribution center and warehousing operation.
Organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced through approved methods that integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster the proper use of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used for organic products.
Health Canada is the government institution responsible for improving and maintaining the health of Canadian citizens. The department obtains, analyzes, and records all information on natural health products, parties involved, and activities and processes to identify risks and possible complaints in each product before they hit the market.
With a 40% increase in sales (a 12% faster rate than the general eCommerce market), the vitamin and supplement category is outpacing other categories in the eCommerce landscape, with Amazon accounting for 77% of all U.S. vitamins and supplements sold online in 2017. Paragon supports Amazon fulfillment to set up your product for online success.
The RIBUS “Certified Contract Manufacturer Program” (CCM) is designed to recognize and support contract manufacturers that have demonstrated the ability to produce tablets and capsules using Nu-FLOW, Nu-RICE or Nu-MAG (functional, rice-derived replacements for Silicon Dioxide and Mg Stearate), through a minimum of six product commercialization using any (or a combination) of the products.
Paragon Laboratories
20433 Earl Street,
Torrance, CA 90503
- (800) 231-3670
- (310) 370-1563
- (310) 370-7354